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REJOIN 祝您新年快乐! Happy New Year ! Happy New Year !
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ONE TEAM ONE GOAL --2024 锐健医疗管理团队 领导力建设项目
新品发布 New Product Release New Product Release
大角度,拓宽修复新领域 ——RapidLink® Ultra半月板缝合系统隆重上市!
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C.A.R.E. 因美而行,为爱而生——2024锐健医疗半山公益行 之 阳光助学计划
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【科技引领,共创辉煌】锐健REJOIN成功参展APKASS 2024暨第20届IFOSMA联合大会
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【共襄盛会,相聚博鳌】- REJOIN与您相约APKASS 2024暨第二十届IFOSMA联合大会
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公司动态 Company Activities Company Activities
品牌秀 Brand Activities Brand Activities
Welcome to ART 2024! Welcome to ART 2024! Welcome to ART 2024!
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公司动态 Company Activities Company Activities
Rejoin-ESSKA Fellowship 项目在波兰成功举办
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Rejoin-ESSKA Fellowship活动在西班牙成功举办
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展会 Events Events
新品发布 New Product Release New Product Release
【劲如雷霆 激尽霜花】PlasmoClast™等离子手术设备正式获批上市
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公司动态 Company Activities Company Activities
公司动态 Company Activities Company Activities
公司动态 Company Activities Company Activities
【破局而立 向新而生】热烈祝贺REJOIN上海办事处新址启动
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公司动态 Company Activities Company Activities
破局·创新——REJOIN 2024 新春年会
新品发布 New Product Release New Product Release
【轻巧灵动 强劲高效】SimphStation™&SimphElite™内窥镜手术动力系统重磅上市
其他 Others Others
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【C.A.R.E. 因美而行,为爱而生】2023锐健医疗西湖公益行之暖流计划
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【锐气风发,扬帆起航】 REJOIN锐健成功参展中华医学会第二十二届骨科学术会议暨第十五届COA国际学术大会
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【锐意创新 筑梦未来】REJOIN与您相约第二十二届骨科学术会议暨第十五届COA国际学术大会
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REJOIN国际团队 全体集合!
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第一届 ART艺·镜国际学术研讨会圆满闭幕
以艺术为名,以学术为核心的第一届ART 艺 · 镜学术讨论会在11月10日于杭州圆满闭幕。
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公司动态 Company Activities Company Activities
【锐健风华 薪火相传】REJOIN锐健携创新产品成功参展 19ᵗʰ IFOSMA
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【共襄盛会,继往开来】- REJOIN与您相约第十九届IFOSMA暨重庆市医学会运动医疗分会第九次会议
新品发布 New Product Release New Product Release
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REJOIN in ISAKOS Congress 2023——学术盛宴中的一抹紫色霞光
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展会 Events Events
【REJOIN 2023】锐健在南非
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向着光荣与梦想的远征 | 锐健国际2023远征(春季篇)
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【健行不辍 势在必得】REJOIN 术式全解决方案
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展会 Events Events
REJOIN- A Rising Bright Purple Star in AAOS 2023 Annual Meeting
展会 Events Events
REJOIN在土耳其,鼎力支持第七届安卡拉大学的学术活动 肩部手术教育研讨会,土耳其 REJOIN’s Contribution to the 7th Ankara University Shoulder Surgery Education Symposium, Turkey REJOIN’s Contribution to the 7th Ankara University Shoulder Surgery Education Symposium, Turkey
在2023年伊始,锐健很荣幸受邀作为独家赞助商支持了1月在土耳其Ibni Sina医学院以及土耳其安卡拉大学TORLAK外科解剖和培训中心举行的第七届安卡拉大学肩部手术教育研讨会。 Kickstarting the year 2023 REJOIN was honored to participate in the seventh Ankara University Shoulder Surgery Education Symposium in January, which was held at their Faculty of Medicine Ibni Sina Hospital, as well as Ankara University TORLAK Surgical Anatomy and Training Centre in Turkey. Kickstarting the year 2023 REJOIN was honored to participate in the seventh Ankara University Shoulder Surgery Education Symposium in January, which was held at their Faculty of Medicine Ibni Sina Hospital, as well as Ankara University TORLAK Surgical Anatomy and Training Centre in Turkey.
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REJOIN 始终坚持国际化、持续创新及数字化的发展战略,全新升级设计“锐健医疗”微信公众号,从设计视觉到内容结构,从公司信息到产品解读给大家带来全新的阅读及交互体验!希望行业内外关注、关心 REJOIN 锐健发展的您继续关注我们,我们会持续更新推送更多精彩内容!
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专业成就卓越,创新引领未来 ——2022年REJOIN市场活动及大事件回顾
面对充满挑战的2022年 全体锐健人始终坚持 持续创新、国际化、数字化的战略 以“科技创新”和“学术发展”为翼 秉承两个“FAST”精神 助力运动医学及微创骨科发展 打造105年可持续发展REJOIN
公司动态 Company Activities Company Activities
打造卓越运营团队—WE ARE IN!
新品发布 New Product Release New Product Release
REJOIN重磅新品--ETbutton® Syndesmosis下胫腓联合带袢钛板系统获批上市
新品发布 New Product Release New Product Release
REJOIN重磅新品——Immeging 4K/HD内窥镜摄像系统正式获批,重磅上市!
展会 Events Events
October 2022 News | REJOIN in DKOU 2022 Berlin, Germany
2022年10月25日至28日,REJOIN在德国柏林成功参展德国骨科年会(DKOU 2022)。
展会 Events Events
September 2022 News | REJOIN’s Spectacular September
展会 Events Events
全线出击,未来可期 │ REJOIN锐健携全线产品成功参展 18ᵗʰ IFOSMA
10月30日中午,第18届 IFOSMA在美丽的鹭岛厦门顺利闭幕。REJOIN携全产品解决方案成功参会!
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【ONE REJOIN ONE DREAM】2022锐健管理干部励心公益行
“利锐出鞘、行健天下” 10月,秋风起、白云飞。锐健医疗管理干部一行60余人踏上了云南省迪庆藏族自治州雨崩村的徒步征途。在这片圣山圣水下的旷世桃源,锐健军团缺氧不缺信仰,历经4天,攀越高原、遇见神瀑、窥探梅里、雪山公益,锐健人用脚步丈量着远方,履行着企业的社会责任。
展会 Events Events
REJOIN at SEOT 2022 Congress in Ecuador with Dr. Rodrigo Maestu REJOIN at SEOT 2022 Congress in Ecuador with Dr. Rodrigo Maestu REJOIN at SEOT 2022 Congress in Ecuador with Dr. Rodrigo Maestu
REJOIN had the honor to have Dr. Rodrigo Maestu, president of SLARD (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Artroscopia Reconstrucción Articular y Trauma Deportivo) as a speaker for the topic of meniscal repair surgery REJOIN had the honor to have Dr. Rodrigo Maestu, president of SLARD (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Artroscopia Reconstrucción Articular y Trauma Deportivo) as a speaker for the topic of meniscal repair surgery REJOIN had the honor to have Dr. Rodrigo Maestu, president of SLARD (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Artroscopia Reconstrucción Articular y Trauma Deportivo) as a speaker for the topic of meniscal repair surgery
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锐健医疗 | SAP项目启动,企业管理开启数字化转型新时代
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The English version of the official website is launched today REJOIN锐健官网(英文版本)即日上线
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【Inspire锐】6月2日19:00 K-Master 第七期 | 交叉韧带重建术后功能性恢复指导与翻修
新品发布 New Product Release New Product Release
小身材 大能量——HealFix®Mini 钛合金锚钉固定系统重磅上市
小身材,大能量——HealFix®Mini 钛合金锚钉固定系统正式获批上市!
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【Inspire锐】5月29日 09:00 K-Master 第六期 | 北京医学会运动医学分会——运动医学新进展研讨会(下肢篇)
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【Inspire锐】5月28日 19:00 同心守沪 第四期 | 跟腱专题
展会 Events Events
从修复到移植——ISAKOS WEBINAR 五国专家共商半月板 [ISAKOS Webinar] Managing Meniscus Tears - From Repairs to Transplant [ISAKOS Webinar] Managing Meniscus Tears - From Repairs to Transplant
作为2021年ISAKOS金牌赞助商,REJOIN将携手ISAKOS于2022年5月26日21:00-21:57(北京时间)开展线上“半月板”专题讨论会。 In collaboration with REJOIN, @isakos_society will hold an #ISAKOS Webinar with the topic Managing Meniscus Tears - From Repairs to Transplant on Thursday, May 26 2022 13:00 UTC In collaboration with REJOIN, @isakos_society will hold an #ISAKOS Webinar with the topic Managing Meniscus Tears - From Repairs to Transplant on Thursday, May 26 2022 13:00 UTC
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【Inspire锐】5月21日9:00 K-Master 第五期 | 膝关节多发韧带损伤专题
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【Inspire锐】5月6日 19:00同心守沪 第三期 | 从经典文献到临床实践——公济运动医学肩关节镜外科沙龙
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【Inspire锐】5月17日 9:00 S-Master 第三期 | 有限配对喙突截骨改良Latarjet技术(LUTARJET)
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【Inspire锐】5月13日19:00 同心守沪 第二期 | 交叉韧带专题
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【Inspire锐】5月6日 19:00 同心守沪 第一期 | 半月板专题
展会 Events Events
April 2022 News | REJOIN’s First Day at the 20th ESSKA Congress in Paris, France April 2022 News | REJOIN’s First Day at the 20th ESSKA Congress in Paris, France April 2022 News | REJOIN’s First Day at the 20th ESSKA Congress in Paris, France
April 27th was the first day of ESSKA 2022 Congress in Paris, France which was another significant participation of REJOIN in international scientific gatherings. April 27th was the first day of ESSKA 2022 Congress in Paris, France which was another significant participation of REJOIN in international scientific gatherings. April 27th was the first day of ESSKA 2022 Congress in Paris, France which was another significant participation of REJOIN in international scientific gatherings.
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【Inspire锐】4月27日19:00 K-Master 第四期 | 后交叉韧带重建技术·标准化操作
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【Inspire锐 】4月23日 09:00 S-Master 第二期 | 北京医学会运动医学分会——肩不稳修复专题
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【Inspire锐】4月11日19:00 K-Master 第三期 | 前交叉韧带重建技术·标准化操作
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【Inspire锐】3月28日19:00 K-Master 第二期 | 全民运动之下膝关节运动损伤研讨会
新品发布 New Product Release New Product Release
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【Inspire锐】3月18日19:00 S-Master 第一期 | 肩袖修复
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【Inspire锐】3月14日19:30 K-Master 第一期 | 热点学术话题与最新学术进展研讨会
展会 Events Events
REJOIN at Shoulder Arthroscopy Cadaver Course in Turkey REJOIN at Shoulder Arthroscopy Cadaver Course in Turkey REJOIN at Shoulder Arthroscopy Cadaver Course in Turkey
REJOIN Medical was pleased to contribute in a very insightful two-day shoulder arthroscopy cadaver course at Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Medicine, Turkey, where 20 surgeons and more than 50 trainee surgeons took part in the training. REJOIN Medical was pleased to contribute in a very insightful two-day shoulder arthroscopy cadaver course at Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Medicine, Turkey, where 20 surgeons and more than 50 trainee surgeons took part in the training. REJOIN Medical was pleased to contribute in a very insightful two-day shoulder arthroscopy cadaver course at Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Medicine, Turkey, where 20 surgeons and more than 50 trainee surgeons took part in the training.
主题自办会 Themed self-organization meeting Themed self-organization meeting
展会 Events Events
REJOIN Products Are Well Received in SCCOT Congress, Colombia REJOIN Products Are Well Received in SCCOT Congress, Colombia REJOIN Products Are Well Received in SCCOT Congress, Colombia
REJOIN had the pleasure to be one of the most important participants SCCOT (Colombian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology) REJOIN had the pleasure to be one of the most important participants SCCOT (Colombian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology) REJOIN had the pleasure to be one of the most important participants SCCOT (Colombian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology)
主题自办会 Themed self-organization meeting Themed self-organization meeting
展会 Events Events
REJOIN at ISAKOS 2021 Global Congress: In Honor of Freddie Fu REJOIN at ISAKOS 2021 Global Congress: In Honor of Freddie Fu REJOIN at ISAKOS 2021 Global Congress: In Honor of Freddie Fu
ISAKOS 2021 was an opportunity to remember and pay homage to one of the pioneers of sports medicine and orthopedics surgery. We were all proud to attend his final presidential guest speaker lecture in Cape Town Global Studio. It is a tremendous honor for REJOIN to be a part of the congress. We all raise our glasses along with dr. Willem in memory of Freddie Fu. His kindness, compassion, and love for orthopedics and sports medicine will be remembered by all. May he rest in peace. ISAKOS 2021 was an opportunity to remember and pay homage to one of the pioneers of sports medicine and orthopedics surgery. We were all proud to attend his final presidential guest speaker lecture in Cape Town Global Studio. It is a tremendous honor for REJOIN to be a part of the congress. We all raise our glasses along with dr. Willem in memory of Freddie Fu. His kindness, compassion, and love for orthopedics and sports medicine will be remembered by all. May he rest in peace. ISAKOS 2021 was an opportunity to remember and pay homage to one of the pioneers of sports medicine and orthopedics surgery. We were all proud to attend his final presidential guest speaker lecture in Cape Town Global Studio. It is a tremendous honor for REJOIN to be a part of the congress. We all raise our glasses along with dr. Willem in memory of Freddie Fu. His kindness, compassion, and love for orthopedics and sports medicine will be remembered by all. May he rest in peace.
展会 Events Events
Highlights on REJOIN at ISAKOS 2021 Global Congress Highlights on REJOIN at ISAKOS 2021 Global Congress Highlights on REJOIN at ISAKOS 2021 Global Congress
ISAKOS 2021 Global Congress was a wonderful 16 hours broadcast. The congress was filled with the latest advanced surgical techniques and the latest case studies, delivered by the elites of sports medicine and orthopedic surgery which REJOIN was proud to be a part of that journey as a Gold Sponsor. ISAKOS 2021 Global Congress was a wonderful 16 hours broadcast. The congress was filled with the latest advanced surgical techniques and the latest case studies, delivered by the elites of sports medicine and orthopedic surgery which REJOIN was proud to be a part of that journey as a Gold Sponsor. ISAKOS 2021 Global Congress was a wonderful 16 hours broadcast. The congress was filled with the latest advanced surgical techniques and the latest case studies, delivered by the elites of sports medicine and orthopedic surgery which REJOIN was proud to be a part of that journey as a Gold Sponsor.
主题自办会 Themed self-organization meeting Themed self-organization meeting
展会 Events Events
展会 Events Events
REJOIN: A Golden Sponsor of ISAKOS 2021 Global Congress REJOIN: A Golden Sponsor of ISAKOS 2021 Global Congress REJOIN: A Golden Sponsor of ISAKOS 2021 Global Congress
This November 27-28, REJOIN is glad and honored to be a golden sponsor of the congress, and invites you to join us in this journey worldwide, through multiple global studios. This November 27-28, REJOIN is glad and honored to be a golden sponsor of the congress, and invites you to join us in this journey worldwide, through multiple global studios. This November 27-28, REJOIN is glad and honored to be a golden sponsor of the congress, and invites you to join us in this journey worldwide, through multiple global studios.
新品发布 New Product Release New Product Release
主题自办会 Themed self-organization meeting Themed self-organization meeting
半月坛 · 半月板专题研讨沙龙
半月坛 · 半月板专题研讨沙龙于广州10月10日隆重召开。
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展会 Events Events
REJOIN Is Actively Participating in International Events: TUSYAD in Turkey & SEOT in Ecuador REJOIN Is Actively Participating in International Events: TUSYAD in Turkey & SEOT in Ecuador REJOIN Is Actively Participating in International Events: TUSYAD in Turkey & SEOT in Ecuador
REJOIN still actively contributes to the scientific society by participating in TUSYAD in Turkey and SEOT in Ecuador REJOIN still actively contributes to the scientific society by participating in TUSYAD in Turkey and SEOT in Ecuador REJOIN still actively contributes to the scientific society by participating in TUSYAD in Turkey and SEOT in Ecuador
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2021年9月26日Rejoin CEO徐总携研发、运营、IT等管理代表团队一行8人按约准时抵达华为深圳、东莞基地,得到了华为伙伴的热情接待。
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主题自办会 Themed self-organization meeting Themed self-organization meeting
公司动态 Company Activities Company Activities
公司动态 Company Activities Company Activities
6年磨一线 “REJOIN制造”打破国外垄断--- 暨“微创介入用高强低蠕变线材制备关键技术与产业化”项目鉴定顺利通过
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公司动态 Company Activities Company Activities
公司动态 Company Activities Company Activities
展会 Events Events
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公司动态 Company Activities Company Activities
展会 Events Events
展会 Events Events
展会 Events Events
耀眼"锐健紫",惊艳 COA
2019年11月17日中华医学会第二十一届骨科学术会议暨第十四届COA学术大会(COA 2019)在上海国家会展中心圆满闭幕。
展会 Events Events
REJOIN在2019 APKASS & IFOSMA峰会成功举办ETButton®固定带袢钛板上市会
2019 APKASS峰会&第16届IFOSMA&第二届“一带一路”国际运动医学关节镜峰会,第五届中国西部运动医学关节镜论坛隆重召开。